This past few days, i've been writing all my thoughts in this little crib of mine. I don't why. Its just a nice feeling though to let those thoughts out of your mind. And guess what, suddenly in the middle of the night, I woke up. Thinking about this and that and realize, oh I need to BLOG this one, NOOOWW!
So enough of my non-sense, let's get to my main point.
Just today, a little chit chat in the work with a colleague. Make me realize of the story she just told me, as I ask myself about the statement she said.
"Sometimes, work is not all about money" is it?
Each people got different perspective in different things. Like for love, when I ask you "What is Love?!", then you might say that love is blind... why?! because your friend is so pretty, she got a boyfriend, she thought her boyfriend is handsome but then, in your perspective, yeah, he might be handsome but if your not beside him! YYAAA LAAAAA! =)) Ok, sorry for my MEANingful example.
Naaa, what my point is... there is a lot of factors that compose your definition of something or how do you look to something. So when you try to express some thoughts, its really not applicable to all.. Like for my example above, of course with the friend, Love is not blind, because I got a handsome boyfriend what?! some more since I'm in love with him, no matter what people might say about his look, in my eyes, he's still handsome so BACK OFF!
Since this is my crib, allow me to share my thoughts about this little thing whether you like it or not, well after all, your here! I'll try to be fair with this one.