I never appreciate things that I do when it comes to art!
Well, i always believe that I never got the talent of being artistic.
But the feeling that somebody or someone appreciates your work is a very effective booster.
Especially on things that you know you didn't excel that much.
At work, I often set-up the wine display every afternoon.
Its not just a wine display job actually since you are free to set it up with your own ideas.
The main reason for this wine display is to drive consumption of wines within the outlet.
Meaning in order to entice the guest to buy wines, you need to set up the display with an eye-catching concept.
Since I often do the set-up, I learned to play along with the display and how to set them up in different ways.
Though I dont mean anything to it, just to put it as a display. of course there is a thinking in myself that I need to set up the thing attractively.
I've done a lot of set-up, and how i wish i could take pictures on every display that I do.
Thanks to my colleagues and they appreciate my set-up once in a while. HAHAHA.
As taken by them, just a sample.
My favorite set-up is when I form the display in a perfect circle shape..
Just because its very neat to look at!